Training in Georgia

georgia1Youth in Action 3.1 Training course “Short-term Vulunteering for Civil Society” took place in hotel Diana in Kobuleti, Georgia, June 17-25, 2014. It was implemented by the Georgian NGO Young Socialists of Georgia with three facilitators: Maria Kopelyan, Samet Firat Soydemir and Giorgi Kanchaveli. The main problem addressed was the low level of youth activism in Eastern Europe and Caucasus. The main points were: more active inclusion of young people into Civil Society that might be beneficiary to young people, to Civil Society and to the countries in general; promotion of volunteering activities and for this establishing of a network of organisations involved in short-term (up to two months) volunteering of the young people in different NGOs around Eastern Europe and Caucasus. The TC included the participants from Civil Society, Human Rights, Youth and Volunteer NGOs from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Turkey, Hungary, Romania, Latvia, Croatia, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands.

Training on intercultural dialogue in Utrecht

1It was an unusual training due to the composition of the participants. Our 30 participants arrived in the Dutch city of Utrecht from 23 different European cities from 13 countries: from sunny Spain to snowy Russia. The age of participants ranged from 19 to 50 years. Some participants were actively involved in sports people and others had physical disabilities. Some of the participants had already successfully carried out their own trainings; others participated for the first time. Some participants came from NGOs whose main purpose was work with ethnic minorities, youth groups from suburbs of big cities or rural areas, youth with less opportunities, with disabilities, with HIV or AIDS etc., but does not include promoting intercultural dialogue. Many participants felt we should strictly adhere to a schedule and never deviate from it. We, the organizers of the training, felt that the program could and should be modified to meet the needs of the very diverse group of participants and their various expectations.

USA Federal Reserve Pushes System the World Towards Global Economic Crises

FEDFrom 2007 up to 2010 the USA Federal Reserve System transferred 16 USD trillion to several hundred banks and financial groupings. There are several hundreds of millions of people in the world who have dollars and by no means all of them are Americans. While printing these 16 USD trillion, the USA has slipped their hands into the pockets of those people without asking them just to finance several hundred banks and financial groupings. In addition, the ineffective activities of exactly those several hundred banks and financial groupings became the cause of the world crisis in 2009. The behavior of the USA Federal Reserve System strongly reminds the practice of the USSR Gosplan (main state bank), according to which there were withdrawn funds from profitable economic sectors to finance declining ones. Thus, the financial support in the USSR was distributed not only to financial experts but to workers, teachers and so on. During the crisis period in the USA and EU not very rich people were to tighten the belts first of all.